Well, I was back this week in the ER. I had an excruciating pain in my ear Monday and Tuesday night was the worst. I don't have a primary physician yet. I wanted to try to convince my OB to take a look, but then decided against it. What if it needed draining or something? Would the nurses know how to do that?
So then I was going to urgent care. In CA, Urgent care is open all evening and night so you don't clog up emergency. Well here, urgent is open during the day. So I was waiting until 8am. I was tired and cranky. I hadn't been able to sleep more than 45 min at a time, and only on the left side, and my right ear was in pain, when I laid on the right. Come to find out, the urgent cares are all far away and I guess ar for people not near the hospital. So I went to emergency (again).
Turns out I have an outer ear infection. It hurts. There is an abcess, too. They didn't think they needed to drain it, but gave me liquid antibiotics to put on the site and some stuff that numbs the ear (yeah!). That with Tylenol does the trick.
The great thing, was that within 3 minutes in Emergency, I had been placed in a room, and within another 40 minutes, had seen the nurse, the resident, and the attending and had gotten my numbing medicine - Never in LA (even in a small hospital like my, favorite, Verdugo Hills)!
I ended up waiting for the antibiotics. So in all, I spent about 2.5 hours there. It was one of the best hospital visits ever, just because of the efficiency.
In any event, I laid down mid-day and got some great sleep and pain was gone. Woke up energetic and finished a lot of work at the house. I even made homemade pesto: http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/print/001570.html.
We are leaving in the early AM to NY (driving) to spend a few days and pick up the children.
Keith is almost here from his eventful car dive from LA and he will drive with us in the van to NY.