Monday, September 28, 2009

We might have a Winner! (or at least a 'Do Over')

We might have a winner. I'm not sure though. I think there is some confusion as to what picture is A, B, C, and D.

A is supposed to be the first picture
B and C the 2nd picture with all the people
D the last picture

Does anyone want to redo their guesses based on this? Sorry, but I just was learning how to format the photos.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Gabi and Baby

The baby's name is baby to Gabi. She pretends to smell the baby, then waves her hand on her nose and says "p.u."

Here she is trying to hold the baby, kiss the baby, and give the baby the pacifier.

The kids love the new baby!

Who's Who? Can you guess?

Post your response. Winner gets a Prize! Rudy is a contestant too . Picture A
Picture B and C? One child is up there 2x. Who are the other ladies, can you guess?

Publish Post

Photo D is . . .?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

She's Here

I will figure out how to put up photos.

Isabella Joel (Jo-el) is here after being induced this morning. After about 6 hours, she was born. 9 lbs and 21 inches! Pretty big.

Tired, more later.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tomorrow is the day!!!!

6am, EST, I am to be at the hospital fro induction. I have been at 3 cm dilation and 60-70% effacement for weeks now. But baby is getting larger and larger. So here we go . . .

The doc thinks it should fast, as I am on the verge of active labor. Gabi was 4 hours after I got to 4 cm. So we will see how fast this goes. We will post pictures.

Talk to you as a family of 4!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009


School starts Tuesday for Sam and Micah. We are very excited about this, as they are too.

Thanks to Grandma and Auntie for some uniform stuff that came in a box today. Everyone was excited.

Baby Update

NO BABY!!!! You're probably waiting for the announcement. Sorry! I've been at 3 cm for weeks now. Getting more effaced. In fact, last Sat, I thought I was in transition- I had lots of pain, nausea, contractions and emotional feelings. After about 5 hours, I felt fine, no baby. Went to Dr. no progression past, 3cm and 60% effacement. It's been a quiet, yet heavy week.

I'm at 3cm and 70% effacement now. So I'm scheduled for induction on Thursday at 6am EST. The good news - when it starts, it will prob go very quickly. I like that, even though the pain is intense, from the beginning.

Isabel is the first name. Working on 2nd. 1 vote only so far for names.